Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ornate Ceiling Fans

Upon moving in we were missing two ceiling fans and the remainder of the one's that remained and were not taken looked like this:

Gold and leafy and ornate is not really my thing. I could definitely be low maintenance and live with them but instead I thought I'd try and sell them on Craigslist!

We would've had to buy two new ones anyway and I was not about to buy one of those ugly things to match but didn't want mis-matched ceiling fans throughout the house either.

I went ahead and posted all 4 ceiling fans that we had on Craigslist...Any Takers?

We found someone to buy all four of them for $150...that's a whopping $150 bones in our pickets. First off...can you believe someone bought these? Second...can you believe they gave me $150 for them? I feel like I'm stealing money from people!

The new ceiling fans we bought were on sale for only $65 a piece! Neutral, effective, and cheap! That's a steal in and of itself. We were therefore out of pocket only $240 for all 6 ceiling fans! WHAT? Haha, I enjoy this so much!